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Andrew Gregory's Web Pages

View of Perth city from Kings Park, 31°57'19"S 115°51'2"E



This part of my web site is where I keep any panels I develop for the sidebar of the Opera browser.


A list of games that work in panels. Currently just my two. If I develop more, or if I find any other games that work in a panel, I'll add them here.


The classic game of Tetris.


The Minesweeper game.

Javascript Console

A handy tool for web developers.

Keyboard Shortcuts

A handy quick reference for all the shortcut keys in your Opera browser.

Google PageRank Button

Not a panel, but a toolbar button that will popup a window to show the Google PageRank of the current page.

A Note for Internet Explorer users

These panels have been developed for the Opera web browser. While they may also work on other browsers, they are only intended to work in Opera at the very least.

Having said that, I know Tetris works just fine in Gecko browsers, such as Mozilla and Firefox. It does not work in Internet Explorer.

One of the design goals I have for these panels is to ensure they fit in one file, with no references to external files. Exceptions may be made, such as the Opera logo in the Tetris panel.

To achieve this goal, I have had to use data URLs, which Internet Explorer does not support. Since that cannot be worked around, I haven't even tried to minimize incompatibilities in other areas, such as Javascript. Hopefully, by the time data URLs are supported, the Javascript support will be better as well.

Other Panels
