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SETI@home Utility


Note: These scripts are customised for my system. You'll need to examine them and modify them for your own setup. They're only short, so assuming you know how to do shell scripting, you shouldn't have any problems.

In the office I have a LAN consisting of four computers. Up until recently I had been running SETI@home only on my own computer. What a waste of the other three!

I wanted to automate the entire process of collecting results and distributing new work units to the four computers. I ended up writing the following three scripts:

  1. setichk is set up as a cron task run every hour. It's job is to collect any completed work units and 'feed' SETI@home with new work units.
  2. setixfr is set up to run every time my Internet connection goes up or down. It's job is to send completed work units to the SETI@home server and to collect a minimum number of new work units to be distributed.
  3. setichkusr is called by setichk above for each computer.

The scripts assume my personal computer/LAN configuration. You'll need to go through and edit the scripts for your own system.

I have the scripts running on my Red Hat 6.1 Linux server. Every hour each computer on my LAN is polled for new results and given new work if needed. Every time I log on to the Internet, the collected data is sent and new data received.


setiutil.tgz (1391) SETI@home Utility
