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Other Features

Small size

Opera is less than half the size of most major browsers, yet still boasts a large number of useful and innovative features and functions.


Opera lets you save a collection of open pages as a session, allowing for retrieval on later start-ups, or in the middle of another session. Opera can also be set up to start with the pages you had open when the browser was last closed.

Changing clients

Opera can import bookmarks and e-mail messages from the most commonly used applications and formats.

Pop-up blocking

Opera lets the user control whether Web sites can use pop-ups. Select to block them all, or let the browser open only pop-ups that you have requested.



Opera's user interface is translated into a multitude of languages, and the language can be changed on the fly. Language files are available at www.opera.com/download/languagefiles/


Use the 'Customize toolbars' dialog to make Opera look almost any way you want. Move buttons and search fields, add and remove toolbars, and so forth. You can also make and include your own buttons, and custom toolbar setups may be downloaded from My Opera.

Personal bar

A separate toolbar where you can add your favorite search fields and direct access to your most visited bookmarks.


The entire Opera user interface can be changed by a couple of clicks of the mouse. In addition to the default skins provided, more skins can be downloaded from My Opera. You may also change each skin's color scheme.

Accessibility and efficient browsing


Images are easily toggled on and off. You may also choose to display only cached images, thus speeding up page loading.

User mode

Opera lets the user selectively override parts of the styles set by the author to make pages more legible.

User style sheets

Opera comes with a set of ready-made style sheets that can be used to override a Web site's set style completely -- for increased accessibility, or just for the fun of it. You may of course also make and include your own user style sheets.

Small-Screen Rendering

Press Shift+F11 to display pages as they will be seen on mobile phones and other small-screen devices running Opera. This mode is also useful for making Web pages fit as panels.


Opera can access WAP and WML content (content designed primarily for mobile phones) without a mobile phone connection.

Quick preferences

Pressing F12 displays Opera's 'Quick preferences' menu to easily switch settings such as browser authentication, pop-up and cookie preferences.

Keyboard shortcuts

Opera comes with a default set of keyboard shortcuts for most browser operations. An interface for customizing this setup is also provided.

More on browsing with the keyboard

Navigation bar

Opera supports a subset of the HTML2 <link> element feature, to give direct access to correctly marked up links in documents.

Reopen pages

Opera keeps track of the last few pages you closed, so that you can reopen them later. 'Undo' will let you reopen the last closed page.

Personal information

Once Opera has been configured with personal details (address, telephone, etc), individual form fields on Web forms can be filled in from the context menu.

Full-screen mode

The F11 key toggles Opera's projection mode, using the whole screen for browsing and, if a projection style sheet is present, displays 'slides' suitable for presentation. This mode is also known as Opera Show.

More on Opera Show

Go to similar pages

Opera has direct access to Google's "related pages" feature, available from the "Navigation" menu.


Double clicking on a word on a page will pop up a menu that provides options related to the selected text, such as a Web, dictionary or encyclopedia search.

Automatic reload

To allow for monitoring of a particular Web page, for instance a news site, Opera can be told to reload the document at regular intervals.


Delete private data

Opera can be configured to clear the history and cache when exiting, to protect the user's privacy. Any kind of private data can easily be erased at any time.

Cookie control

Opera gives you detailed control of what cookies to accept and reject, such as allowing for different set-ups for different servers.

Master password

Set a master password to block access to e-mail downloads and Wand logins.

More on privacy and security

Autocompletion drop-down

Opera will automatically provide users with a list of previously used inputs when filling in a Web form.

Browser spoofing

When sites are poorly written and set up to work with only one or a limited set of browsers, Opera provides the user with the ability to masquerade as another browser to get optimized content.

Off-line mode

Set Opera to "work off-line", and no attempts will be made to contact remote hosts. Only cached Web pages will be displayed.

Print preview

When printing the whole document, Opera supports previewing what pages will look like before they are printed.


Opera supports favicons (Web site icons) in the address field and in bookmarks.

Standards support

Opera prides itself in supporting all major Web standards currently in use, including CSS2, HTML4, XHTML1, HTTP1.1, DOM1, JavaScript, PNG, Unicode, and the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.

More on specifications supported by Opera


Opera provides Web authors with immediate access to page validation, thus encouraging good practices on the Web.

Check your spelling

If your computer has Aspell with one or more dictionaries installed, Opera will recognize this on startup and let you spell-check any input to an e-mail message or other text edit field in Opera.

More on spell-checking

Kiosk mode

Registered versions of Opera support a lock-down mode in which the browser can be used for unattended information stands in public environments.

More on kiosk mode